Monday Nov 04, 2019
Ep 40: Goalmaking
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Joined by special guests Eleanor Byler and Jeffrey Hanson, Shaylynn leads a discussion about the tool of goal making, achieving, and failing process and how it relates to your growth as a 40k player. Using examples and inspiration from outside sources- you get to see more about the struggle of goals and why struggle is necessary and important part of the goal making process.
You can find out more about DOTS RPG here.
Music: Dankmus
Art: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Ep39: The Hunter
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
The Hunter has, up until now, gotten a very bad rap- possibly because it was in fact a bad vehicle. However, with the update to the Space Marine codex and the addition of many new rules, a lot of possibilities have opened up for it and we're seeing more Marine players look to take advantage of the things the chassis can bring. In this episode, Josh talks about why he chose the Hunter for his list, how it helped him get the 5th place finish, and why other players looking to Space Marines might want to consider using it- because certainly, he's not the only one eyeing the Hunter.
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Ep38: The Allies Debate
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Are allies a good thing, or not? This week on the show, we do something a little different- Shaylynn and Josh go head-to-head in a discussion about how allies affect the game as well as influence GW's game design philosophies, the internal balance of codices, and more. With Sean morderating, both of them stake out a position and go at it, and only one can be victorious! (Just kidding, it's actually very civil and nuanced discussion on the matter.)
Monday Sep 23, 2019
EP 37: Dealing with a New Codex
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
After the chaos of the printing presses quiet, there is a held breath as the Chief Librarian opens the New Codex. Once his eyes hit those lofty pages- the meta as we know it begins to stir and shift....
Unlike the pervious episode which was about analyzing a new book, this one is about analyzing the resulting meta shifts in context of this new book. First starting with the inter-faction shifts the book itself causes (such as units getting powered up or down) then onto greater meta implications.
You can find out more about DOTS RPG here.
Music: Dankmus
Art: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Ep 36: Capital City Bloodbath Post-Tournament Analysis
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
First episode of its type, Josh and Shaylynn do an application episode where they talk about their latest tournament experiences and how to apply things brought up in previous episodes. Specifically Episode 24: Tournament Tips and Episode 32: Post-Tournament Tactics. This episode does feature both Josh and Shaylynn admitting to errors made in and out of their games, good stories, and answers some very thoughtful Listener (Patreons) Questions about general playing approach and advice. This episode offers a unique view into how the Hosts view tournament experiences personally and how insights can be found, even when you are getting thrashed with a 1-5 record.
For disclosure purposes- the Tournament Organizer Group Canhammer invited all of In the Finest Hour to attend this event and was extremely accommodating. They were willing to set up a quiet table for Shaylynn (though it was not needed- the presence did a great deal to alleviate pressure).
Mentioned Links of Importance:
The twitch stream you really, really ought to go view: http://www.twitch.tv/thehonestwargamer
And of course visit our new friends: https://www.facebook.com/DrunkenDreadnoughts/
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Ep 35: Analyzing Mission Series: Maelstorm Missions
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Starting off our examination of the ETC mission set to give our listeners context for what just went down in Europe and why its so important- we decided to hunker down and focus on the Maelstorm aspect of the missions themselves. Maelstorm has some unique features to be aware of when playing 40k and has a rising popularity. It is a system with faults and strengths and we examine all of it. While Sean was unable to join us this episode, we do feature Jason Byrd- a good friend of the show and Named Pacific Northwest Player.
You can find out more about DOTS RPG here.
Music: Dankmus
Art: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Ep: 34.5 Capital City Bloodbath Hottake
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
With all the pom poms and hype- Shaylynn and Josh bring you the Capital City Bloodbath Hottake! Straight out of Ottawa!!
Aforementioned things to look at:
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Ep 34: Analyzing List: Plaguebearers
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
While the smell in the studio is somewhat under control now, this week we talk about the big stink: Plaguebearers! ‘Plaguebearers’ refers to the Chaos Soup list featuring two maximum (or nearly) size units of
Here we dive into the complex synergies of this list archetype and why it has been so successful for so long. And, as always, we also delve into weakness and how-to-bear-it strategies. Josh Death personally took a version of this list to the top 8 of LVO 2019- and he provides some excellent insight into this list that are not obvious.
Music: Dankmus
Art: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Ep33: Do Your Research
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
We talk a lot on our show about the importance of information in this game- but how do you actually go about getting that information, and how does it help you? This episode, the hosts break down some of their study techniques and ways to pick up parts of the game without committing to a ten-hour full reading of every codex out there. Not all information is equal, and not all methods of uptaking it are equally effective- and if you're looking to improve, you'll want to do so in the easiest and most effective manner possible rather than struggle-bussing your way through all of the books.
Music: Dankmus
Art: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Ep32: Post-Tournament Tactics
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
The tournament is over, the laurels handed out, the victors taken their prizes- but the work of the competitive player has only just begun. In the aftermath of a tournament, there's always a million questions to ask and a million things to improve, but how does one go about doing so in an organized and effective fashion? In this episode, we look at ways to better analyze your performance and the questions you want to be asking yourself, whether you won or lost.
How do you know if your losses were because of bad play or problems in your list? What sort of tools can you bring to put a closer eye to your games and get an accurate sense of what happened during them? How can you correct your mistakes, and how can you avoid making similar ones at future events? Where is the meta going, and is your list prepared to handle that new version? We talk about all of these subjects and more in this new retrospective as the hosts talk about how to win the game that happens after the game.
Music: Dankmus
Art: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen