Monday May 03, 2021
Ep70: Discussing Supplements
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
How do supplements affect the game, and are they good or bad? How should GW handle them in the future? Our hosts discuss the matter.
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Ep69:Imperial and Chaos Knights
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
We interview our guest for the episode about Knights, how to play them, and how to beat them as well as their role in the meta.
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Ep68: Taking Notes
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Practice games (and tournament games) are important for getting better, but you won't improve from that practice unless you are able to accurately understand what happened during the game and what went right or wrong. In that respect, taking notes during the game can be a tremendous help, giving you a better (and more permanent) recollection of what went down and how your game plan succeeded or failed. In this episode, we talk about different methods of taking notes, including both paper and electronic media as well as photos and video, and what sorts of things you should pay attention to when detailing the game. We also look at how and when to go back to your notes, how your opponent can help you, and the methods each of the hosts prefer for their note-taking.
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Ep67: The List-Writing Process
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Being able to write a good list is one of the most fundamental aspects of playing Warhammer 40K; your list is the toolbox that you bring to the table, and so defines what it is you're capable of during a game. But contrary to what the internet may sometimes tell you, writing a list is much more than just choosing the six most efficient units and fielding as many of them as possible. So how do you go about approaching the process of writing- and rewriting- a list? In this episode, we talk about the process that the hosts use; where we start, how we make cuts, and how we analyze our lists for success or failure after a game. We also look at the sort of solutions you want to have access to, what to think about when considering balancing yourself against the meta, and the tradeoffs you'll have to make as part of the process. And, of course, we talk about the cardinal rule of list design: Boyz Over Toyz.
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Ep66: Bad Matchups
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
If you play at tournaments, sooner or later you are going to run into a bad matchup- the one army that you just aren't prepared to face. But being able to power through disadvantageous situations is one of the biggest indicators of a skilled player, so this episode we talk about how to identify such matchups and what you can do about them. We discuss the ways to look at things during all phases of the encounter- from when you write your list to the game itself to post-game considerations and what lessons you should take away from your performance. There's a lot you can do to mitigate bad odds in a matchup, but it all starts with understanding the hows and whys.
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Ep65: Playing the Mid Tables
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
As competitive players, we like to focus a lot on the upper strata of the game- what the best players are doing, which lists are finishing top 4, etc. But the reality is that by definition most players do not play at the top tables, they play at the middle tables instead. This episode, we discuss what sorts of obstacles you'll face if you're sitting in the middle of the pack, the unique concerns that you should be thinking about, the types of players you're likely to see, and ways you can work towards your goals even if you aren't going undefeated. It's middleriffic!
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Ep64: FAQ Analysis
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
The most recent FAQ for the rulebook and GT mission pack changed a lot of things- most notably including how missions are scored and the wording on several of the secondaries. Our three hosts take a look at what these changes may mean for the game as well as where they think it will push the meta in the upcoming weeks. We also discuss the other changes from the FAQ as well as some more general thoughts about the meta of 9E.
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Ep63:The Psychic Phase
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
While most players are pretty familiar with the different phases of the game, one stands out amongst the others as being a common tripping-up point- the psychic phase. Being that it is the most unusual of the phases (and the one that it's very possible to simply not participate in if you don't take the right units), it should be no surprise this is the case; however, psykers can unlock some incredibly powerful options for many armies and even if you don't use them yourself, it's pays to know how to fight them. This episode, we call on the collected psyker experience of all three hosts to talk about what to think about when you're considering adding a psyker, how to best counter enemy psykers, proper order of spellcasting, common pitfalls of using psykers, and why killing your enemy with mind bullets from five hundred yards is the cool new trend of 9E.
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Ep62: Being a 40K Content Producer
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
The last ten years have seen a revolution in content production for many hobbies, including 40K, and reaching out to audiences and putting out content for the games you love is easier than it has ever been. But actually reaching people can be a bit trickier, as it's easy to get lost in the sea of noise. This episode we bring on a special guest and host of Weshammer to talk with the hosts about how to create a channel for your hobby content, unique avenues for reaching out to audiences, a way to find your niche among creators, and more. And if you think our show is sassy when we cram all our advice into a mere hour, Westly's tips about making one-minute content may just blow your mind!
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Ep61: Managing Your CP
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Command Points are one of the most important resources that an army has access to in 9th Edition, allowing you to pull of a wide variety of useful tricks and opening up many unit options you couldn't otherwise even attempt. But many players struggle to use their CP effectively, often spending too much early in the game and finding themselves desperately scraping at the slow trickle of incoming CP late game, or end up hoarding too much CP early and lose the game with half or more of their reserves still unspent. In this episode, we take a look at how to manage your command points across the length of the game so that you always have something left in the tank for when it matters; the hosts talk about pre-game CP decisions, spending in the early, mid, and late game, when it's not worth it to use a stratagem, how matchups can change things, and the vast gulf of difference between zero and one.