Friday May 24, 2019
Ep25.5: Bay Area Open Hottake
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
This week we have Shaylynn hosting a very special interview with... Sean? It's a quick look at how the tournament is going and how things are looking for the payers involved.
Monday May 20, 2019
Ep24: Tournament Tips
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Going to a tournament can be an intimidating experience, but it doesn't need to be- and whether you're a veteran of dozens of events or someone who is considering making the leap for the very first time, we have some tips for you. Not the usual sort, where we tell you obscure rules or strategies for most effectively taking out your opponent's super-cool flavor-of-the-week army, but things that can help you, the person going to the tournament, be more comfortable and happy over the course of the weekend. Not only will it make you happier with the event as a result, it will help your performance as a whole- after all, if you feel like complete shit you're not going to be playing to your highest standard.
We talk what to bring, what to wear, what to eat, how to talk to people, what to drink (or not to drink), how do avoid hurting yourself more than necessary (even if you're into that), and most importantly of all how to save yourself some dough when making that tournament run. If you've ever considering going to a tournament, this is an episode that you'll most certainly want to give a listen.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday May 13, 2019
Ep23: Archetypes- Flyers
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
What's the deal, with Flyers? [/Seinfeld] In this first episode of our new series, we take a look at some of the major list archetypes that are in the meta right now and discuss how they function, what makes them strong, where they can fail, and what impact they have on the game. And what better starting point for the game right now than everyone's favorite boogeyman for two full years and running, Flyer Spam?
We get you started with a crash-course in how the flyer list operates, the units it typically fields, and talk about some of the variants of the list that you typically will see. We also discuss the list's challenges in the meta as well as its strengths and look into why flyers benefit so much from many of the quirks of the format. And, of course, we round things out with tips for how to overcome the list if you're struggling to beat it- plus another round of listener questions from our Patrons and announcements about several upcoming tournaments where you can meet us.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday May 06, 2019
Ep22: Improving Your Competitive List
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
So you've gotten your list together and done a bunch of practice games and taken it to a tournament, but you're not happy with how it's performing. How do you identify the flaws in the army? How do you know when it's the army underperforming, rather than you making mistakes? And even once you've figured out what you're lacking, how do you add those things in without compromising the core functionality of the army? These questions are at the heart of list design, and they're problems that every player grapples with sooner or later- and in this episode, we hope to give you a leg up when confronting them, or at least an arm across.
We talk about the kinds of failings lists can have, discuss how to identify your core concept (and what to do if you don't have one), and elaborate on how each of the hosts follows their list iteration process as well as comparing and contrasting their strategies for army design. We talk about list assemblies and how they can aid your process as well as how to determine when a list is a failure, and why that's not necessarily a bad thing. And, of course, we discuss the two dread symptoms that have been the bane of many a general- It's Only 5 Points disease and Battleforce Syndrome.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Sponsored by: Mindtaker Miniatures
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Sunday May 05, 2019
Ep 22.5: CTC Hottake
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Once again the yin-yang duo drives into a hottake where we get to hear the on-site tournament experience of the CTC!
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Sponsored by: Mindtaker Miniatures
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Shaylynn Allen
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Ep21: Assessing Skill Levels
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
There is a whole spectrum of skill levels of players who play Warhammer 40K, from ones who have to be reminded how shooting attacks work up to the folks who regularly win Major events. Knowing where you are on the scale is a lot more than just a feather in your cap, though- it can guide the kinds of learning that you need to do to improve your game and give you a more realistic assessment of where your failings lie (as well as how you can overcome them.) However, it isn't always easy to self-assess like that, so in this episode we try to give you a guide to a few ways you might go about making a more-objective guess at where you sit in that spectrum and what kind of players are keeping you company.
Of course, 40K doesn't just have one skill that governs everything you do in the game, so we also spend time talking about the kinds of skills that contribute to your game performance- and some of them may be the sorts of things that you might not even think of as skills, but are still absolutely vital to how you do at tournaments and absolutely trainable. If you are considering the many ways in which you might pay your billz, this episode will have something for you in it.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Sponsored by: Mindtaker Miniatures
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Cross-Talk 01- Interrogation by Newbies
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
The Good Host steps in to take one for the team, inviting Alex (player returning from 5th edition) and Mike (completely new) to ask her all of the hard getting started in present 40k questions.
This episode is the first in the Cross-Talk series that features the behind-the-scenes thinking our hosts have about list-building, Spring FAQ findings, Codex drops, Meta-analysis, and other such important aspects of the 40k experience that just don't phase neatly into a regular episode. These are generally speaking shorter than our main topics (half an hour to an hour) and will be available to our patreons immediately. These episodes will be made public a month after their patreon air-date. This one is free for all to view so that all listeners can get an understanding of the format and experience and decide if Patreon is the right route for them.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Sponsored by: Mindtaker Miniatures
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Shaylynn Allen
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Ep20: Analyzing Your Opponent's List
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
The first thing you probably do at a tournament, after sighing dejectedly at the terrain you'll have to play on once again, is take a look at the army list your opponent hands you- but how much do you actually know about what it says, and which parts of it are important? This week, we take a look at how to understand what's in an opponent's list and what parts of it are going to be critical to the game; we might not be able to help you parse the Full Text Battlescribe Nightmare (no human can, it is a riddle in an enigma in a conundrum), but we can give you some pointers on what the likely candidates for your concern are as well as what kinds of questions you'll want to ask yourself (and your opponent) about what is there. From there, you can build a battle plan and break down what their battle plan is, hopefully with the end goal of coming out of the match victorious.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Sponsored by: Mindtaker Miniatures
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Ep: 19.5 Dallas GT Hottake
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Shaylynn shunts in to assist Josh with another hottake episode: this time featuring the Dallas GT!
The aforementioned rising star of 40k is Philip Junghans. Look out for this guy!
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Ep19: Netlisting
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Netlisting- it's a subject that evokes a lot of strong feelings from some people, but at the end of the day it's really just one more resource that you have access to when writing an army list. In this episode, we take a look at the pros and cons of using netlists- when they can inspire you and guide your list development, but also when they can limit you and stunt your growth as a player. When should you start using netlists? When should you avoid them? How can you move past netlists, and what sort of players will do best (and worst) with them? Plus, we also talk about customizing netlists, knowing the role of the player (both in achieving success as well as in crafting the list), and why it's not as easy to win a tournament as just picking up Brandon Grant's army and going to town with it.
Episode Music: Dankmus
Icon Artist: Rylan Woodrow
Sponsored by: Mindtaker Miniatures
Our Patreon: In the Finest Hour
Website: https://www.inthefinesthour.com/
Directed by: Sean Morgan
Edited by: Shaylynn Allen